Zach Cater the Deputy UK International Commissioner has written to us with an opportunity that typically only occurs once every 3 years in the European Scout Region – Recruitment into the European Volunteer Teams.
The European Scout Region is currently recruiting for their Volunteer Pool – a group of volunteers, aged 18+, representing Scouting from all across Europe who will help deliver the 2022-2025 Regional Scout Plan. By joining the volunteer pool, individuals are not yet committing to anything but indicating their willingness to volunteer some time over the next triennium, 2022-2025. Starting in September 2022, members of the volunteer pool will be invited to apply to specific opportunities to support the region. Prior UK volunteers have made an excellent impact and it would be great for this to continue.
It would be fantastic if this could please be shared with your adult members, all adult members are eligible to apply, including yourselves. Should you have any social media channels within your Groups please do feel free to share these links on them, in addition to sharing this link to relevant individuals. Deadline: 2nd September.
If you or interested parties have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Zach Cater
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Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
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